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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  November 16, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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thrive a breaking news in san jose. we have multiple crime scenes at this hour. police are spread across many blocks and a major exit off 101 is now closed. good evening. thank you for joining us. >> we want to show you the two locations we're talking about. all of this unfolding in east san jose. we're about tully road and lanai. there is a second location that. george kiriyama is here but we begin with jean who joins us live in san jose. what location are you at? >> i'm on tully road between king and highway 101. this whole thing started around 9:00 tonight. police say an officer was shot
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just around the corner from where we are at tully and lanai. we're told he was grazed by a bullet and that police are looking for one suspect and possibly more. now you're taking look down tully road right now. you can see that's the highway 101 overpass. you can see there are lots of police officers around here. they have blocked the road while they search for the suspect. there are lots of stores here and gas stations and restaurants, and they are all empty. police have cleared everyone out. they've set up crime tape and they are, there is just a heavy presence here. nobody here is talking. they're not telling us what's going on but we know they are looking for a suspect and one officer is being treated for a grazed wound. he was shot by a suspect and grazed and police right now are looking for suspect in this area. the perimeter is very wide. i'm not sure how wide but they've got the tully off-ramp. once you get off the highway, they won't let you down tully. they're sending you down to capital. the good news is we're told the
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san jose police officer was shot but injured. he is okay. that's what we know right now. we'll bring you more. we did talk with a woman at a nearby hotel who says she heard a lot of gun fire. >> i was actually checking a guest in at that time and we heard probably about four or five gunshots. and then you know, the guest was asking me, you know, wow, was that gunshots? and i was like, i think so. so then i got him checked in and everything. and then probably about five, ten minutes later we just heard all kinds of sirens. >> so lots of gunshots. lots of sirens. a lot of uncertainty in this area as san jose police are searching for someone who shot and hit a san jose police officer. we're live in san jose. when we get more information, we'll bring it to you. back to you. >> thank you. we have a safety concern here. wave traffic concern less than
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two mile away from where jean ellie is. we bring in george kiriyama with more information on this developing story. >> reporter: we are in the area where they are actually searching for a suspect or suspects connected to these robberies, death to the crime spree. we're in the location near donald meyer elementary school. we have a spokesperson from the san jose police department. sergeant, first off, let's talk about this officer here. what that to the officer tonight? >> the officer is a hero. we have four robberies today spread throughout the day. the final robbery took place at a fast food restaurant. the officer spotted the vehicle. he went to stop it. the vehicle fled. there was a vehicle pursuit. the suspect stopped in the area in east san jose. one of the suspects jumped out. the vehicle took multiple hits. we're trying to determine if the officer was hit. it could have been from ricochets or broken glass. we're not sure yet. the suspects continued to flee
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and that officer who fired back continued to pursue. even after he was shot at. it terminated just south of us. >> reporter: you told me there were three different locations, you had a crime spree in three different locations. >> absolutely. a fast food strawberry, a gas station that was robbed, a pizza parlor. so ongoing crime spree. two suspect involved. very dangerous individuals. they opened fire on a police officer. it doesn't get more dangerous than that. >> reporter: and you are in the area where there are suspects. >> correct. if you're not being evacuated, we recommend stay inside until you don't see any more police cars. >> reporter: i was going to ask you if residents should stay inside when they see officers walking around their neighborhood. >> if we believe there is an issue, we'll start clearing houses, we'll knock on doors. we'll get people out of their
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homes and find somewhere warm for them to be tonight. >> reporter: thank you for talking to us. sergeant dwyer from the san jose police department. if you see officers around your neighborhood, you're urged to stay inside while they look for a suspect or suspects involved in this crime spree. we're live with news in san jose. back to you. >> thank you. we have multiple robberies, multiple gunshots and an injured officer. this is all happening in east san jose near tully and 101. our other headline is the weather. a stormy night around most of the bay area and a second storm is on its way. getter for a wet weekend. there will be some dry spells. let's bring in chief meteorologist jeff ranieri who is tracking the rain. >> this latest storm system continues to dump the heaviest rain over the past six to eight hours. you've been getting slammed even flooding concerns on highway 101. you can see some heavier rain across santa rosa. and also, roadways are very wet. if you're doing any traveling
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across the bay bridge in the overnight hours or early morning, be prepared for some very wet roads. also some moderate to heavy pockets of rain. for oakland, it has been relatively dry for a brief period in the san jose area. we did get some showers passing over the past hour. and here's the thing. there is more wet weather on the way. especially for the south bay. look at that batch of rain. that will be transitioning in over the next six to eight hours. where we reported only news, it will be getting a lot wetter out there for the officers and also residents living in that region. we talked about that next storm moving in. here it comes as we head throughout saturday's forecast. that second storm in 48 hours will arrive. not only the chance of rain. a few thunderstorms. and also, wind about 15 to 30 miles per hour. we'll track the timing on this and let you know when the sun will break out for a little bit on your weekend coming up later on. >> thank you. we'll see you in a bit. dangerous to really offbeat. that is the question being asked about the man arrested at the oakland airport for trying to
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board a flight with the strange watch there also the issue of the shoes. cheryl hurd has more for us. >> reporter: police aren't releasing a picture of the watch that they believe is suspicious but a man is behind bars. we did catch up with a man who knows him and he believes that there is an explanation for this. >> i'm sure it will be one big mistake. >> reporter: a mistake that us about geoffrey mcgann behind bars and left his friend scratching his head. >> yes, i was shocked after reading about it on the internet. it doesn't make sense. >> reporter: what has him baffled is the arrest of mcgann last night at the oakland international airport. he was going through security when the tsa agent saw what he believed was a suspicious device going through x-ray. >> he came into the airport wearing a watch that had a
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toggle switch on it. it had fuses, it had a circuit board and wires shooting from it. >> reporter: police say mcgann was about to board a flight to los angeles. authorities call the bomb squad and the fbi because in their eyes, what they were at could have been dangerous. >> it could have been a triggering device. he was wearing a military style shirt that has a turn kit built into it. if you receive a traumatic injury to your arm, you can tighten up the turn kit and it will tighten up the bleeding. >> reporter: police say he was wearing boots that were two sizes too big with a secret come apartment in the middle of the shoe. engle said he has an answer for that. >> he has always worn big boots, you know. he used to wear big boots. i would see him in l.a. and he would have big boots on when it was 90 degrees outside. it is kind of his thing. >> reporter: a quirky artist,
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programs. police are questioning him with possessing material to make a destructive device. the fbi is also involved, the d.a.'s office will decide if charges will be filed. reporting live from the oakland airport. i'm cheryl hurd. nbc bay area news. >> it is a bizarre case. thank you. new details in a stunning investigation. a san francisco sheriff's deputy is on the wrong side of the law. he is accused of robbing a bank and it is caught on camera. we have the surveillance photo here of the crime. investigators say this man is deputy philip knowing tong. he handed a note demanding money and left with $1,700. >> the residents of san francisco expect their men in women in uniform to uphold the laws and serve and protect the community. the conduct of this defendant is deplorable. and there are going to be serious consequences for this.
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>> reporter: investigators say he was identified through the surveillance photos and fingerprints. he faces several felony robbery charges. the father of two lives in pacifica and recently filed for bankruptcy. coming up, we investigate the next generation of air traffic control being tested here in the bay area. the investigative unit shows us why it could lead to the next generation of cyber terrorism, too. also, south bay girl jumps into action to save her mother's life. their story is coming up. plus, we'll update you on our breaking story. an officer grazed by a bullet after suspects go on a crime spree. we'll have the latest for you. and good evening. i'm jeff ranieri. we're tracking the storm for tonight. it continues to move in with some heavier rain across the bay and even more rain for the south bay. not only that but another storm for this weekend which will likely stack up the travel delays.
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we want to update you on our news. a crime spree, a police officer injured, and suspects on the loose. >> george kiriyama is working this story for us on the scene near the 101 tully exit in east san jose. what do we have? >> reporter: we just saw an armored truck drive in a few minutes ago. now we see a paramedic who has also arrived here. we're at ocala and daytona. san jose police looking for two suspects in this neighborhood who they say are connected to four robberies in different parts of the city. a police officer went after the suspects after one of the robberies. and at tully and lanai, we
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understand shots are fire, a bullet hit the officer's car, an officer was hurt and is in the hospital. the suspects came to this neighborhood. the officers have blocked off a huge, huge part of this area. neighbors are urged to stay inside while officers are searching. this is a very dangerous situation. still in the east part of san jose. live with breaking news. we move on now. the question is what do you get for $4 billion? the federal government says a new air traffic control system that will change the way we fly. it is supposed to save us time and improve our safety. the nbc bay area investigative union has discovered some serious flaws in the $4 billion technology. if it is not fixed, could it create security and safety concerns at airports around the country. let's bring in investigative reporter steven stock. >> reporter: we found that the problem is apparently this new technology has some weaknesses. the technology is called next
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gen. the next generation of air traffic control. it is a system that the general accountability office and congressional critics both say billions of dollars of budget and more than four years behind schedule. we found an even more serious concern. its technology is open and un unencrypted. you are watching real-time video of an airplane's final approach at san francisco international airport. the coordinates are real. the landing pattern real. as are all the airplane flying alongside, in front of and behind the plane you are watching. the only trouble the plane you are watching is not real. it is a ghost airplane inserted into a real-time air traffic pattern by computer hackers. >> you can see all of the planes including the fake ones flying around. >> reporter: nick foster created this demonstration of what a
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computer hacker like himself could do to disrupt air traffic at major airports around the country. >> we can prove without actually injecting planes into the air traffic control system that it is actually possible to create these signals. >> reporter: the new system called next gen is scheduled to become fully operational by 2020. it is a complex system of air traffic control that will use satellite based technology, similar to the gps you use in your car. rather than the current ground based radar tracking system. the more efficiently and safely controlled traffic in the air throughout the united states. next gen is already being used on a trial basis here in the bay area. earlier this year, faa acting administrator michael showed off the technology at oakland's air traffic control tower. >> there are things we are doing that are improving the use of the air space that will result in a lot of benefit right away. but we're going to be able to do
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is make some remarkable changes in the air space here that will benefit the entire nation. >> reporter: while the benefits of these technological changes may come in time, several different sources worry about security flaws now. nick foster says the same technology that allows anyone with a receiver or a smart phone to track planes in the air also can make this next gen system vulnerable. >> reporter: >> i'm not the only one with access to this information. so in that sense, that's very concerning. because i would like to consider myself one of the good guys. i think it is fun to do this stuff. and if i can do it, somebody else can. >> reporter: this potential threat has generated attention across the couldn't then. foster teamed with a canadian, brad haines, to create this demonstration of next gen's vulnerability for a recent underground hacking conference. >> i started to do all this research to prove to myself that it was safe. so far it has failed miserably. >> reporter: he talk to us from
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his home in edmonton, canada to show that it was safe. he said he wanted to call attention to what terrorists might do and to prompt the faa to fix the problem before next gen becomes fully operational. >> a hacker, unauthenticated, very bad use to use on something as important as air traffic control. this is where it is very concerning. to see the extra flights popping up, what are they going to do? >> reporter: and it isn't just computer hackers who are concerned. this 45-page graduate research project by major donald mccauley at the department of air force's air university outlines the very same security as a resulter vul. they show how terrorists sitting in vans near major airports could seriously disrun the entire nation's air traffic and even jeopardize air passenger safety by inserting ghost planes into the system.
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or this research published just this fall in the journal of aviation and aerospace perspective which demonstrates in starting detail how someone could alter live data from air traffic control towers or inject dozens of ghost airplanes all over the country. >> our committee evaluates the project. we would have to give it a d minus. >> he chairs the powerful house transportation committee overseeing the faa and its implementation of next gen. >> we've got to have a sound system and it has to be secure. >> reporter: he is be pleased with the progress. >> every day is a new ad convenient you are. hackers and people are trying to speaker our system. it is a constant evolutionary process that you've got to always be one step ahead of the bad guys. so that is a threat. >> the faa maintains that the threat to the new next gen system is no more different than
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it is for the current system in use today. while faa officials would not discuss this issue on camera, spokesman ian gregor did e-mail us a statement which reads in part. the faa has a thorough process in place to ensure the safety and security of next gen by identifying and mitigating possible risks such as intentional jamming. the air traffic system is based on redundancies. but every critics and action dellic research paper we could find asks how the fax will guard intelligence against just such an attack on next gen. so far the faa has not given a detailed answer that satisfies any of those critics who universally say it remains vulnerable to hackers, be they good guys or bad guys. >> thank you. some valid concerns being raised. if you have a tip for our investigative union, give us a call. 888-996-tips or send us an
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e-mail directly to the unit. let's check in with meteorologist jeff ranieri. it is a friday night and people want to know, how are saturday and sunday going to go? >> it won't be wet for both days. still some wet weather that we can't rule out. let's get a look. the storm system today has been pummeling the north bay. a lot of the heaviest rain has been into novato, starting to get in on the showers. look at the tolls in the north bay mountains. in just eight hours, close to an inch and a half of rain for you. a lot of water on the roads. and we may have some flooding concerns for the north bay this weekend. look at the south bay. just .08. hold on santa clara, we do have more rain coming your way. near the airport, we could have delays up to two hours tomorrow morning and more moderate rain from san rafael to oakland.
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it is moving from the south to the north. a brief trying trend. that rain will be coming your way. the showers across the santa cruz mountains. and take a look at this. this is what's on your way. a huge batch of rainfall that eventually we think will live up and give but a quarter inch of rain in the overnight hours. a lot of you will be sleeping when that happens but nonetheless, some much needed rain. advise some caution. it will be sloppy. rain, snow, and then rain again. a little warmer. that snow 11 at 7,000 feet saturday into early sunday. let's get you out to that skycam network. in san jose, mainly dry conditions. some showers on the way. take it slow. while you're being able to go at a decent clip, that rain will come up on you pretty quick. as far as morning hours go, we'll see that rain continuing
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here as we head throughout 5:00 and 6:00 in the morning. the core of the storm will be passing over. we could find some intense rain for fairfield and concord. here's the thing. saturday through late morning hours. we're expecting a period of drying. a little sunshine coming your way. there you go. as we head throughout saturday night, here come that second advertised storm we've been about. the front crossing through fairfield to san francisco from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on your saturday night. it looks like that's when that second round of rain will be coming our way. we could see another half inch to an inch of rain as we head saturday night into early sunday morning. we'll to have watch out for the coastal flooding. temperatures in the upper 40s to low 50s for the morning hours. as we head throughout tomorrow, we'll look at daytime highs in the 60s. a lot of you have been concerned about the san jose state football game forecast. if you're headed that way brirk the pod show. the best guest is that chance of showers with temperatures in the 50s and low 60s.
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i flipped through that kind of fast but overall, bring that umbrella with you. as we head throughout saturday and sunday, we'll get that chance of showers and thunderstorms. don't forget, tomorrow we'll be at our safeway stores with our nbc annual holiday food drive. >> which one are you at? >> the at&t park run. >> i am at the pleasanton safeway. >> and i'll be on menlo park in el camino. >> and you won with the most bags sold. >> we'll see you at safeway tomorrow.
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we know mothers give life but how often do you hear about a child giving their mom life. that's why a sunnyvale teenager is a hero. she used something she learned in school to save her mother's life. it happened on sunday. her mom lori suffers from a rare heart condition. last weekend her heart stopped. behind eight took one look at her mom and jumped into action.
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>> i plugged her nose. i made sure she had a clear throat. i picked up her head a little bit so it wasn't leaning back. and i blew in her mouth. >> i heard the story i died. i could not believe it. you know? my daughter saved my life? >> lindsay credits a one-hour cpr class at fremont high school right there in sunnyvale high school that she took two years ago. against dentally, the school was going to cancel that class but after hearing this story they reconsidered the decision.
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hi, everybody. music to the ears of 49er fans, jim harbaugh just fine in the wake of yesterday's irregular heartbeat procedure. so much so, he was right back at work coaching up his team in pr preparation for monday night's game against the bears. third quarter, golden state
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already up a dozen. and david lee aing to it. nice look from andris biedrins. final two minutes, harrison barnes working on an 18-point night. also, nine rebounds. and they win on the road 106-98. and an upset in the women's basketball ranks. number one baylor. number four, stanford. taking it strong. she had 18. the cardinal by 4 trying to hang on in the final seconds. brittney griner cannot convert and stanford wins 71-69 to end baylor's 42-game win streak. one more college hoop note. cal men's basketball. a winner on the road over the university of denver. 72-61. more news right after this. at ,
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multiple shootings in east san jose.
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we'll continue to follow this and have an update at 7:00 al. good night. have a great weekend. [ female announcer ] this is the story of eves. [ eves ] years ago, i hurt my shoulder drag racing. that's when i decided to take it easy, so i took up hang gliding. [ female announcer ] a grandpa who refuses to grow up.
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[ eves ] the pain was bad, but the thought of not being a hang glider pilot was worse. [ female announcer ] that's when eves turned to sutter health's palo alto medical foundation. [ eves ] the doctors that i dealt with, they got it, that this old guy wanted to return as a hang glider pilot. they got me flying again. [ female announcer ] palo alto medical foundation, and sutter health -- our story is you.
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